Blueprint meaning in construction
Blueprint meaning in construction

blueprint meaning in construction

This allows for a single list of issuances of clarifications and changes. I am familiar with what Jeremy Franklin termed "Option B", where it is used as the form for issuing PRs, ASIs, and CCDs. As the term "Bulletin" is "agnostic" as to which contractual change vehicle it is, it is open to being used various ways as has been mentioned in other posts, most of which have other industry standard names, such as Addenda, or ASI. Preferably in the General Requirements, and minimally within the form itself. As it is not defined in the the various AIA General Conditions it is up to the architect using the form to define its use. The "Bulletin" is a vehicle for issuing clarifications or changes to the construction documents. What is a Bulletin? and if it is a "real" form why isn't it covered in the AIA's "G Section of the Handbook? I have been seeing this term used in CCA, but yet I cannot find a standard definition.

blueprint meaning in construction

The latter use makes it simpler to have only 1 type of form for construction phase issuances that cover all bases. But a lot of firms use the term when they want to either (a) be agnostic about whether they're showing a change that affects cost and schedule (which I consider a cop-out) or (b) use one form that has checkboxes or options that refer to documents such as ASI, CCD, PR, etc. Seems like this "Bulletin" is more akin to your cop-out remark in that "the architect" makes a list of revisions RFIs, ASI, Owner changes and any other revisions to the documents and hands it over the "Bulletin" to the Owner and/or GC to deal with. With respect to Option b) seems to be a document to list all the issued contract forms (ASIs, CCDs, etc) so why not use a transmittal? Provide feedback on what you'd like to see from your CCA community at. Attend an upcoming event such as webinars and conferences. Read a CCA white paper - or contribute your own! Post on the discussion board to ask questions and share ideas. Join to get occasional emails with new content and resources. The call for volunteer terms starting in January 2024 is now open! Learn more about joining the CCA leadership group, or learn about other volunteer opportunities across the organization. We further hope to provide guidance and direction in developing guidelines for new and evolving approaches to Project Delivery as well as guidance in the continuing education of our emerging young professionals. It is our goal to provide clear answers to issues of concern to the Institute’s membership and share case studies and best practices. The Construction Contract Administration Knowledge Community (CCA) has been established to help our members better understand the issues, actions and resultant impact of the decisions required in this often neglected part of Project Delivery.

Blueprint meaning in construction